abandoned places, nature’s paces:photography

Often my photography for “dead” things is misinterpreted as morbid. When I get such a reaction I think to myself how can they not see how beautiful this is?! For me, an abandoned home in its silence is offering you a glimpse of two things. The beauty that can and still resides in “things” left behind and forgotten. Mother Nature embraces it, unconditionally so, giving it life again in a new way.

And secondly, the writer in me finds my imagination soaring as I stand there with my camera capturing different angles. I can hear, I can vision, what once was. The hustle and bustle of people and cars in an old store. The sounds of children laugh running in the woods on a summer day. Their mother calling them in for supper. So much comes alive for me as a stand there peeking from my lens.

I have always found beauty and life still very much alive with its own unique heartbeat in those things not manicured to social acceptance, those things in the shadows that don’t always need the sun to be happy.

I had a great day capturing the following images and for those of you taking the time to view them, I hope you can find as much beauty in them as I do.

For more of my abandoned places photography you can visit my gallery here. Thank you for viewing!

-just breathe-

12 thoughts on “abandoned places, nature’s paces:photography

  1. I love your photography! It definitely stirs something up. Like you said, “The beauty that can and still resides in ‘things’ left behind and forgotten.”~perfectly describes it. Great post!

      1. Well, something can be said about your return to writing during such a time. Perhaps it suits you? Glad to see your return. 😊

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