about me

i have dreamed in my life,

dreams that have stayed with me ever after,

and changed my ideas;

they have gone through and through me,

like wine through water,

and altered the color of my mind


Writing has always been my home place. My medicine. My hobby. My second skin. My escape. My mouthpiece. My joy. If I were to be asked how to describe my writing, more specifically my poetry, I would best describe it as Edgar Allan Poe having a tea party with the Bronte sisters.

I, like most writers am driven by emotion. It changes daily and inspiration often comes at the most inconvenient times. I can be inspired by first hand experiences in my life, or by a book I’ve read, to current events, or even a television show or movie I’ve seen or maybe even that father and son riding in that beat up pick up truck in front of me.

My poetry and prose, that I often compliment with my photography as well as music, offers those same creative sides of me that I treasure. Much of my inspiration is lent to me by way of nature.

The idealism of Thoreau with his minimalist thoughts feeds my eye and my soul. I easily find the beauty in the simple things life offers and sometimes forgotten.

With the publication of two novels, a novella and my first book of poems, my dream has been set to motion and I hope to continue bringing more stories and visions to life. Thank you for visiting my little space in this vast ocean we call life. As I continue to evolve and grow, so shall my words. I look forward to your company on my journey and I truly hope you enjoy.

“sometimes I’m terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it wants. the way it starts and stops”

edgar allan poe

4 thoughts on “about me

  1. Yes just a writing meme I use occasionally. Thanks for reading and glad you liked it! And yes, I often use images to inspire my words and in using same image I feel it only intensifies the words

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