Cameras, Coffee and Cold Spots: The Hollow

Ferry Plantation House March 3, 2016 1:40am   This was my first introduction to paranormal investigation with a organized team of investigators. I was invited to come by my friend and at the time, team member Jason. Initially I was attending simply to observe and potentially write an article about the team and the intrigueContinue reading “Cameras, Coffee and Cold Spots: The Hollow”


I captured this image in Charlottesville, Virginia not long after the incidents that rocked our nation happened here. Upon walking the streets of the downtown area it was beautifully apparent that hope was very much prevalent by way of street art that the city encouraged youth to participate in. I liken this image “evolve” asContinue reading “evolve”

you found me

i liken this image “you found me”. It was taken at Mission Concepcion in San Antonio, Texas and took my breath away upon walking upon it. Touring a historical cathedral is profound in itself. Coming upon a visual such as this. Breathtaking and empowering.


that claiming cycle of all that’s known that quick fix no thoughts of a future no hand your way stuck in a rhythm of the now daring you to think outside a box be this you beyond the gen pop *this piece was inspired by way of my work in the judicial system seeing theContinue reading “sabatoge”


climb with me one step at a time upon mossy walls that shan’t collide with dreams this way find this image was taken at the site of what remains of the Rosewell Plantation circa 1725. Capturing mother nature swallowing back what belongs to her has always been alluring to my lens. Finding the beauty andContinue reading “staircase”

purple haze

nestled on a blanket flip flops tossed aside kiddies about giggling with ice cream smiles the sky explodes in hues of red white and blue my eyes though fixed on the purple of my dress dancing on you