
You can find me on social media interacting and sharing.

On Twitter, you can find me hosting the writing prompt #PenYourTen at @PenYourTen where I offer a new word on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and challenge participants to create a ten word story or poem of any genre. With my love of photography, I also co-host along with an amazing group of writers at @VssPic #VssPic where an image is shared to inspire a story or poem of any genre. I quite enjoy the writing community within Twitter and also participate regularly with the writing prompts #vss365, #10wordjournal #poetryin13 and #haikuchallenge.

On YouTube you can find me reciting my poetry accompanied by selected music that I find adds to the emotion of the verse.

On Instagram you can find my photography and poetry at @JennyHayut and for strictly my urban photography at @delicatedoses

On Facebook you can find me amongst the photographers of the group Abandoned in Virginia where we have fun sharing our explorations from around the state.

Come find me and lets chat!