Poe Places: A Historical Journey in the Footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe: London, England

It’s taken me several years thus far to travel up and down the East Coast in search of the places entwined with the history of poet and writer, Edgar Allan Poe. His works have been such an inspiration to my own pen and he birthed my love of poetry and the detective story. So itContinue reading “Poe Places: A Historical Journey in the Footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe: London, England”

Introducing Pen Your Ten, A Writing Prompt

I am very excited to announce the inception of a writing prompt and new adventure I am undertaking beginning April 1. It is titled Pen Your Ten and if you’d allow me, I’d like to tell you a bit of its back story and of its purpose. In 2013 I was on a journey ofContinue reading “Introducing Pen Your Ten, A Writing Prompt”

what the forest holds, and a gift from Charles Dickens

Once upon a time the renowned British author Charles Dickens visited the United States. While his visit ultimately did not leave him with positive thoughts for our country, he did perform one act that to this day remains a mystery. During his journey across the United States he made his way to Virginia around FebruaryContinue reading “what the forest holds, and a gift from Charles Dickens”

delicate doses

It’s been five years since I’ve released a book as life has taken a big chunk of my imagination and drive and quite simply the time to be able to give this side of me a voice. I’m excited to be able to share these verses that are quite best described as delicate doses. LessContinue reading “delicate doses”

Paranormal Experiences? Seeking Your Stories

Hi friends. Do you have any accounts of paranormal activity or experiences that science just hasn’t been able to explain? Want your story published? Read on. I have always been interested in the study of paranormal activity for as far back as I can remember. As a child I can remember sneaking down late atContinue reading “Paranormal Experiences? Seeking Your Stories”

Poe Places: An historical East Coast journey in the footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe: Baltimore

It’s taken me over three years thus far to travel up and down the East Coast in search of the places entwined with the history of poet and writer, Edgar Allan Poe. His works have been such an inspiration to my own pen muse and he birthed my love of poetry. And since I’m OCDContinue reading “Poe Places: An historical East Coast journey in the footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe: Baltimore”

A Night at St. Albans Sanatorium

Always it seems with me. I never do things in baby steps. I just go right in hard-core, full throttle. Hence why I’m no longer allowed to drive a V8….Grrrr…So when I let a friend beguile me to a certain group of ghost hunters and I meet said ghost hunters and they instantly feel likeContinue reading “A Night at St. Albans Sanatorium”

Crawford Road bridge-Yorktown, Virginia…Haunted?

So there has been quite a lot of talk about this secluded winding road amidst the many historical battlefields of Yorktown that were center stage for the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. On this road sits a bridge. The bridge itself  is on the path of Historical Tour Road which is a driving tour of the memorializedContinue reading “Crawford Road bridge-Yorktown, Virginia…Haunted?”

Poe Places: a historial East Coast journey in the footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe: Philadelphia

It’s taken me over two year’s thus far  to travel up and down the East Coast in search of the notable places of poet and writer, Edgar Allan Poe. His works have been a notable muse to my own writing and the birth of my love of poetry. And since I’m OCD about everything, itContinue reading “Poe Places: a historial East Coast journey in the footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe: Philadelphia”

Washington DC, A Poe sighting, a historic funerary sculpture…

So on my pursuit to retrace the steps of Edgar Allan Poe because well I can, I stumbled upon something of epic coolness. Rock Creek Cemetery. In the heart of Washington DC, Rock Creek Cemetery is the home to my reason for a visit, the final resting place of Rosalie Poe, sister to Edgar AllanContinue reading “Washington DC, A Poe sighting, a historic funerary sculpture…”