winter gown

she dreams of serengeti in the folds of her winter gown where kings and queens cross winds in fertile bliss parading in raffia robes and organic crown she nests in the blue of its iris as amber breath climbs the limbs of every tree, her eyes rest upon the naked scars of the acacia toContinue reading “winter gown”


in the perfume of dawn i sprawl in naked wander in the wake of he for his touch sheds my worry as leaves floating from the fall tree his kiss returns the waterfall that bathes the season in me and i, in budding refrain, need but whisper please, please before you leave won’t you grazeContinue reading “afterglow”


lost in the depths of your lilac blue, i curl round the stilled river of you unfurling my buttons from a winter wed beneath woodlace and hawthorne where my heart has fled across the meadow, beyond the thistle and dawn’s rise i am the narcissus in wait a paled for too long desire that growsContinue reading “wake”


the lord of her dawnin the throes of fire, claimsa waltz in the figments of a hundred shadesthat slip between them as invisible rain as the ash settles in silky psalm and drops to earth redrawnthey close their eyes to the thin placesand find their lost love song Driving home with my Mom, during thatContinue reading “waltz”

one hundred love sonnets xvii : a poem by pablo Neruda

I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:I love you as one loves certain obscure things,secretly, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carriesthe light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,and thanks to your loveContinue reading “one hundred love sonnets xvii : a poem by pablo Neruda”


we etched sonnets on the trees and drank midnight in the river every time we held hands this forest in me where we carved our initials and etched sonnets on the trees where we drank of midnight from the river gorged of our dreams ….how quiet you’ve become i trace our letters, i whisper aContinue reading “synthesis”

a letter from eros

love is unconditionally true, as newborn eyes looking back at you love is quiet, on a rainy day when holding hands seems to braid colors into the gray love is patient, when voice is lost strength in understanding at every cost love is a fighter when battles concede finding equal footing, a tug of warContinue reading “a letter from eros”


some days i am pretty where my wild things seem to bloom other days i chance the mirror to find dead sea eyes staring back at me some days i am a ghost letting the world take hold and strangle me other days i am a wolf, howling loudly with every bit of surety someContinue reading “pneuma”


letters from the sky open me slowly with cursive tongue tap into my bloodstream with golden fingertips and listen as it hums to be carried away in the fertile blue of night be still take your time elevate with the colors to braid with your mind in fields of gold let fingers stroll beneath oakContinue reading “conceive”